Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My One Word 2009

What kind of person do I want to become?

That's a hard question. Most of us can tick off a laundry list of adjectives that answer it. But it gets overwhelming when we realize how much work God still needs to do in us. I know it's that way for me.

For the last few years, my pastor has suggested throwing away the "New Year's Resolution" and adopting a "My One Word." For more information, visit the website here: My One Word

This is my third year picking a word. In 2007 I picked "surrender." I was struggling with what God wanted me to focus on, and with my own desires for my life. But focusing on surrender helped me see what God wanted and not what I wanted.

For 2008, I picked "perseverance." I tend to obsess about things, but quit them when they get too difficult or I find a new passion. I decided I wanted to finish my first novel before I turned 40 (in September), but that didn't happen. However, I entered NaNoWriMo and finished it November 30th. Thank God for perseverance. I needed it.

It has been a struggle the last month or so trying to pick a word for this year. I want God to accomplish so much through me. However, I often rely on what I already know to propel me forward in my walk with God instead of keeping a vibrant, day-by-day, moment-by-moment relationship with him, hearing his voice in the here and now. I tend to be a run-around Martha instead of a sit-at-his-feet Mary.

So this year "abide" is my word. In John 15, Jesus says that apart from him we can do nothing. If I am not constantly attached to the vine, I cannot bear fruit. My vain attempts at success will be failures without him. And I want to bear fruit that will last. I want to become more like Christ--to have his heart and his mind and to fulfill my purpose. In this way, he is glorified.

Thank you, Mike, and Port City Community Church. I have grown so much through My One Word and through your ministry.

For more info about my church, click here: PC3

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