Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My One Word 2010 - Perspective

Amazing how long it took me to pick a word this year. Maybe it's because I had a hard time hearing from God. Admittedly, I made less use of my word "abide" last year than I should have. Somehow, somewhere, the spirit behind last year's word got lost and I wandered in a desert of wishy-washiness.

But all of that is aside now. For the last few weeks, I've been batting around possible words to focus on--words such as committed, consistency, example, disciple, obey, faithful. But as I thought about those words, I realized that they, as well as the last three words I've chosen (surrender, perseverance, abide), are "doing" words. They talk about something I should do. Pastor Mike said recently that we need to concentrate on what God wants us to BE, not what he wants us to DO. Sure, being godly requires doing some things. But it starts with that character, that attitude, that longing, that righteousness, that faith inside of us. Our doing overflows from who we are.

And so, after much ado, I've chosen the word PERSPECTIVE. Some important synonyms: mindset, attitude, frame of reference, viewpoint. I want God's perspective, not my own. I don't want to live by my own ideas of what to be and do. I want to know God and his word enough to see God's ways and methods and where he's moving. I want to see myself and others through his eyes. I need a bigger, better perspective--one that's not so selfish and myopic.

It's usually easy to pick a bible verse to go with my word. Usually my word is inspired directly by a certain scripture. Not this time. I had to think about it for a while to know which verse to relate to my word. Here it is:

I Corinthians 2:16b - "But we have the mind of Christ." The whole paragraph before this verse talks about how we can't know God's thoughts apart from God's Spirit, and how the Spirit reveals things to us. We have God's Spirit so (among other reasons) we "may understand what God has freely given us." I'm meditating on that part some more so I can figure out what it means to me. Like Paul said in Philippians 3, "I consider everything a loss to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ..." and in Romans 12, "...be transformed by the renewing of your mind." I have to change my attitude, my mindset, to the one God has, as much as possible. This is going to require more bible study, more prayer, more reflection. I'm not sure where this word will take me, but I have no doubt I will grow closer to the One that holds me in his hand. The great and glorious One whose thoughts and ways are higher than mine, and yet, who has given me the mind of Christ. Big stuff.

Lord, save me from my own view of things. Change my attitude and transform my mind. Give me your mind, eyes, and heart. Grow me into a person who knows you so well that I see things from your perspective and act accordingly. Amen.


  1. I think that is a great word to choose. It reminds me of something Michal posted on Facebook the other day. He said he wondered what was the meaning of Matthew 6:22-23. This is the passage in the NASB:

    "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. "But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"

    I'd never really thought about those verses before, so I took some time to think about it, and this is what I said to him:

    I always used to think of it as a "be careful little eyes what you see" sort of thing. But maybe even more precisely, Jesus is actually referring to seeing things clearly - to being aware of reality as it really is. If your eyes are clear (healthy) you can see around you clearly; if your eyes are bad, everything is fuzzy. If you have a false perspective, if you see things different from how they really are, you are "in the dark," so to speak; whereas, if you are seeing things right, you are "enlightened."

    Sometimes people can't see the world the way it really is, whether deliberately or not. Some people hold to false truths, claiming a lie as their "light" - but it's darkness. If your understanding is so messed up that what you consider as light is really dark, then the darkness that is in you must be very great.

    I think that's what it means.

    I think the perspective we have on what we see/hear/experience/live makes all the difference. It's like the Pollyanna method, only bigger.

  2. I agree. It's important to see things the way they really are, the way God sees them, and not through the lens of our emotions and preconceived ideas. Otherwise we're in for a rude awakening at some point.
